If your life and trust have been 
shattered by past experiences,
This is for you:

A Father I Can Trust

"He gathers the lambs in His arms
and carries them close to His heart..."
  (Isaiah 40:11)

God, Creator of this frail being,
There's nothing left for me but
grief and pain.
I don't know how to trust You
or call on You for refuge
when all who claimed to love me
in the past
have only heaped on me 
their sordid shame. 

My fragile child-heart was 
torn asunder
when faith in human father 
was betrayed.
Others have shown me deceit,
tossed me aside like worthless scrap...
and now I hear You speak my name.
I don't know how to trust...
I am afraid. 

Dear Little One, do not fear any longer.
I desire to restore your battered trust.
I can heal Your heart that's been so shattered,
My love is worthy, honorable and just. 

No matter how intense the pain
you've suffered,
the Father you have needed for so long
is able to pick up the broken pieces.
I'll mend your heart, and fill it with a song.

"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you,
and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in
heart, and you will find rest for your souls."

  (Matthew 11:28, 29)

Jesus is the Savior you need.
He will forgive your sin when
you put your trust in Him.
He will heal you and comfort you
as you respond to His love.
You will be strengthened day by
day as you read His word, the
Bible, and talk with Him about
everything. Listen, and you will
hear His voice!
Trust and obey...There's no other way.

© 2013 Connie M. Faust

Mommy and Me

As I nestled in her warm, safe womb I heard my Mommy's voice.
She sounded troubled as she said, "I have to make a choice."
She paced the floor and cried out, "I can't have a baby -- NO!"

Don't worry, Mommy, it's not time yet -- I have 6 more months to grow.

The more she cried, the worse I felt. She didn't know I heard.
All alone she wept, but I couldn't help -- I couldn't speak a word.
I kicked my feet and tried to make her know it was okay.
Together, we could make it through and God would show the way.

And then I heard her screaming that today would be the day!

I couldn't see the tears she shed, but it wasn't hard to guess --
She was turning pages in a book, and barely whispered, "yes."
She must have found the number and was set to make a call --
Just then she saw the Bible on the bookshelf in the hall!

"Okay, God, try to stop me -- I'll just dial anyway!
I'm sure it's not a baby yet, and they'll know just what to say."
Pregnancy/Abortion Rights was the heading at the top.
She traced her finger down the page, then brought it to a stop.

My Mommy didn't know that someone prayed for her that hour --
Someone who never knew her, but who trusted in God's power!
In answer to those earnest prayers, a "wrong number" she would call --
Until she went to that loving place, she thought she had no friends at all.

Ever since my Mommy found her way, and learned God's plan for me,
She can hardly wait to see my face! And Mommy thanks the Lord for me!

© 2013 Connie M. Faust
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​In the picture above right, are 2 pictures of Christian and me at the Pregnancy Care Center.
Christian's Mommy was one of my special girls.  We started meeting together when he was a tiny infant. His mommy calls me her Other Mother, and we love each other!   I admired her devotion to her 2 little boys and her desire to grow in her parenting and in her spiritual life.  We still keep in touch, mostly through facebook.  God is good!

This is a subject everyone should explore, keeping in mind that Jesus Christ loved little children and had strong condemnation for anyone who harms them.

In the Valley of Beracah, you will find a composite of small-town American life. 
One memorable spot to me is known as The Pregnancy Care Center, and is dedicated to helping girls and women who find themselves in unplanned pregnancies.

I remember when I walked into the Pregnancy Care Center for the first time. I was greeted by an older woman around my own age and a younger woman I knew from my church. When I told them I thought I might want to help there, their smiles became broad grins. “You're an answer to our prayers,” the younger one told me, “I just prayed for volunteers
 this morning!”

Perhaps, like me, you have thought about volunteering for a ministry such as your local crisis pregnancy center. Like me, you may have put it off, wondered, even prayed about it, but you were unsure and were afraid to take the first step. What had made me take a deep breath and walk into the PCC that day?

One of my favorite quotes comes from Maria Anne Hirschmann, also known as Hansi, a German woman I once heard speak at a seminar. She made this her prayer for each session:

“Lord, make me a nail upon the wall,
fastened securely in its place
and on that thing, so insignificant and small,
hang a bright picture of Your beautiful face.”

My heart's desire was also to glorify God and tell others about Jesus, but who could I tell when everyone I knew was already a Christian? As I thought of ways I could meet people who were not “church-minded,” the Pregnancy Care Center kept coming to mind. Although a sudden impulse drove me to walk in that particular day, God had been prodding me to do that very thing for months.

After a time of getting acquainted with the mostly volunteer staff, and having a short interview, I underwent training and began once-a-week volunteering, serving as a Girl Friday, doing simple office tasks, light cleaning, playing with clients' children, etc., After several months, it was time to take a new role. The Director assured me I was ready to become a peer mentor, meeting one-on-one with clients.

One of the first was a beautiful, pregnant teen who lived with her sometimes-abusive boyfriend and his mother. She was filled with anxiety and self-doubts, but after several months, she was doing much better. She told me that we were “like grandmothers” to her. After her baby was born, she enrolled in school and has made great progress in setting life-goals and working toward them.

PCC Training teaches us to try to form a bond of trust and uncover the client's hidden needs.

I had one client who was noticeable for her sloppy appearance and unpleasant body odor. I remember looking into her dull eyes and complimenting her on her pretty hair. I pray others can see past her outward appearance and know her as someone God loves.

Some clients were sad or angry; some had undergone years of abuse, broken families, lack of morals or spiritual values.....all need to feel loved and valued. In spite of my inadequacies and mistakes, God used me to share His love with them. 

While I was a volunteer, I would lie awake the night before, thinking about the girls and praying for them, and on the days I mentored, the wakefulness would be repeated that night as I thought about all I had heard from them that day. So many needs! It was an amazing and fruitful time in my life, and I would recommend it for anyone who wants to touch hearts for Jesus.


"When Jesus saw her weeping..... 
He was deeply moved in spirit 
and troubled.....Jesus wept." 
(John chapter 11:verses 33-35) 

  The Counselor

I saw the love of Jesus,

I felt His gentle grace,

as I poured my heart out to you,

recounting pain-filled days.

You didn't have to listen

there in that quiet space,

but the depth of your compassion

reflected in your gaze

touched my wounded spirit

to heal the hidden place

as I saw the tears of Jesus

glistening on your face.

A Godly counselor will reflect the love and compassion of Jesus.

© 2013 Connie M. Faust​
HomeAdministration OfficeValentine Love Counseling TopicGlorify His Name!Contemplations
ResurrectionEaster in GraphicsValley of BeracahRebecca's HopePrayer ClosetKings' Corner
For the Love of LenaEv. Gary's LegacyLiving StonesSpread The News!

Mother of five & grandmother of 13, 
I live with my husband Bill and a spunky furball pup named Lacey, who doesn't care who's 
calling her when she's having fun! 

This year I painted a favorite verse on a boulder at the top of the driveway: 
“God is my Rock, in whom I take refuge.” 
So true!

~ Connie

Valley of Beracah

I believe I am posting this for someone who desperately needs it right now. If you are that one, I'm praying for you as you read. God bless you and keep you as you go through this trial. Reach out to Him and He will increase your faith and ease your hurting heart. 

The storm threatens to undo us as we struggle on, unable to understand....

In the height of the storm, when the water's so deep,

The burden's so heavy ~ the mountain so steep,

That you can't lift your head or take one step more

And you cry out to God, as you've cried before.

No answer is coming ~ life feels so unfair;

It seems God's not listening or just doesn't care.

But remember, as you face the threatening tide ~

God sees the picture from the beautiful side.

Like an unfinished quilt or embroidery fine,

The tangle of threads has no reason or rhyme.

Midst fear and confusion, you can't understand;

Still, you're safe and secure in your Father's hand.

There's a purpose behind your suffering and pain;

The storm-clouds will pass and the sun shine again.

Then, as Jesus is wiping the tears from your eyes,

You'll see the picture from the beautiful side.

".....blessed are those who have not seen 

  and yet have believed."
  (John 20:29 NIV)

​© 2013 Connie M. Faust


        To begin, I’d like to tell you my story.

        As the title indicates, I am not a “legitimate” child. My mom had me out of wedlock. The man who is my biological father offered her help in the form of enough money to cover my abortion. When she refused him, he declined to have anything else to do with her, or, by extension, me. I only recently found out who he is. Through some intense internet searching, my best friend found his Myspace page. Under “Children?” he had written “Some day.”

        Keeping me was not an easy thing for my mom to do. All the traditional difficulties associated with the term “single mother” were hers to deal with – very little money, very little time. She worked hard to give me a good life. When I was six, she met the man she would marry within a year. He adopted me as his own, and they later had a little boy, who also happens to be the coolest little brother ever.
Based on the traditional arguments in support of abortion, my biological father did the right thing. A child for a young woman, even one 21 years old like my mom was, is supposed to be the ultimate burden and killer of freedom. Fortunately, my mom did not listen to those arguments. She (obviously) gave birth to me

          She never regretted it.

          This is not only because we have a close relationship. My mom never regretted having me because, in a very real sense, I saved her life. When she got pregnant with me, her life was not going in a good direction. She was rebelling against all of the traditional values she had been raised with. Regardless of how you feel about traditional values, there comes a point when a young adult goes from “rebellious behavior” to “self-destructive behaviour,” and she had crossed that line with a vengeance. When she got pregnant with me, all of that changed. Having a little life to care for was the wake-up call my mom needed. Though she didn’t value herself enough to get her life back on track, she refused to take me down with her. God wanted her back in his arms, and he used me to get her there.

         That’s one half of the story; keeping her child saved the mother’s life. As to the child… Is it enough to say that I love life? There is so much beauty in this world, so much love, and I love being able to revel in that beauty and that love. I might not be quite as optimistic as that sentence implies, but I wouldn’t give up this life for anything. I won’t lie; my life has not exactly been “difficult.” I have some daddy issues for sure; God has granted and continues to grant me the strength to forgive my biological father, but the emotional scars will never fully fade. Even so, as lives go, mine’s been a good one, at least from my point of view. However, no one could have predicted that before I was born. Before I was born, I was destined to be another statistic.

          Even if my life hadn’t been a good one, I resent the idea that I would have been better off not having the chance to give it a try. Every time I hear that old “wouldn’t be a good life anyway” argument, it feels like a personal assault. My biological father thought it would be better, easier, to not have to deal with me. Maybe he thought it would be better for me too.

         I’ve got news for you, dad. You were dead wrong.

*About the Author:  Alexandra graduated from Liberty University on a Full Honors Scholarship.  
Currently she is working as an Administrative Assistant in a Christian Campground and Retreat Facility.
Alexandra's mother Amy continues to live a life that honors God. She knows where true Love is to be found, and she, too, openly shares how God brought her back to Himself and to a fulfilling life as His daughter.​

 Some pregnancies are the result of a woman's search for love after abuse has occurred. Someone viewing this page today has been betrayed by her own father. Someone has been hurt by some other man who should have been a reliable and trustworthy friend. You, dear one, felt that God didn't care what happened to you, or that He was punishing you. Your world was in turmoil and your trust was shattered. Even today, you may feel dirty, unworthy and unloved.
God is calling you, perhaps even through an unwanted pregnancy, because He loves and highly values you. (Read Alexandra's story, "The Bastard" on this page).
God was there. He is the one who helped you to bear the shame and fear. Though you couldn't see Him for your tears, He was loving you, giving you strength to endure.
Will you accept His invitation to come to Him today?  Find your healing in Jesus!  

​ A Father I Can Trust

"He gathers the lambs in His arms
and carries them close to His heart..."
(Isaiah 40:11)

God, Creator of this frail being,
There's nothing left for me but
grief and pain.
I don't know how to trust You
or call on You for refuge
when all who claimed to love me
in the past
have only heaped on me 
their sordid shame. 

My fragile child-heart was 
torn asunder
when faith in human father 
was betrayed.
Others have shown me deceit,
tossed me aside like worthless scrap...
and now I hear You speak my name.

I don't know how to trust... 

I am afraid.

Dear Little One, do not fear any longer.
I desire to restore your battered trust.
I can heal Your heart that's been so shattered,
My love is worthy, honorable and just. 

No matter how intense the pain
you've suffered,
the Father you have needed for so long
is able to pick up the broken pieces. 

I'll mend your heart,
and fill it with a song.

"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you,
and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in
heart, and you will find rest for your souls."

Matthew 11:28, 29

© 2013 Connie M. Faust​​

  "Greater love has no man than this, that He lay down His life for His friends."

Write to me with your questions. I want to share the love of my 
trustworthy Father with you.​   ~ Love, Connie

Every day, someone is facing an unplanned pregnancy. Many consider abortion as a way to "take care of the problem." In this poem, a volunteer at a Pregnancy Care Center is thinking about an unborn baby, as she anticipates meeting with the infant's parents. The volunteer will explain to them that there are other options, and compassionate help is readily available for them and their unborn child.


I wish I could be there for you to hold your tiny hand;
To cuddle, comfort, hold you close; to show you I understand.

You are made in God's own image and blessed by His decree.
Your heart is already beating; a precious child you will be.

Though you were not intended by your Mama and your Dad,
The Lord Himself has fashioned you; He has your future planned.

Dear little one, I pray for you while I offer them my hand;
As I begin to share the truth, will your parents understand?

Father, help them see the truth by the grace You freely give;
Oh, may they place their trust in You and let their baby live!

"You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life
before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in Your Book!"
  Psalm 139:16, Living Bible)

© 2014 Connie M. Faust​

"No unwanted babies" has been a mantra of the abortion industry. How true are those words to the couples who are yearning to become parents.  
A pregnant woman who decides to place her baby with adoptive parents is providing the baby with a carefully chosen family. She is fulfilling the deepest desire of a loving couple who are willing to dedicate their lives to making a happy home for this very wanted baby.


A little star fell from the sky
one lovely starlit night;
He landed in a family's hearts
to share his sparkling light.

They didn't know when first they met,
how they would love him so,
or how his smile and twinkling eyes
would keep their home aglow.

They feared that he would leave them,
so they joined their hearts to pray:
"Heavenly Father, hear our prayers,
and let this sweet child stay."

The loving Father, looking down,
knew they should be together;
He smiled as He told them,
"You're a family forever!"

Please bless this little shining star,
and his dear family, too.
Help each and every one of them
shine on, Dear Lord, for You!

© 2013 Connie M. Faust​

Abortion breaks

the Creator's heart.

Women and girls who are considering abortion are often in panic mode because of the circumstances.

They need someone to meet their dilemma with love and practical solutions, and to learn the options and support available for them. 

(They may never know how many people are praying for them and their unborn babies every day.)

This poem is imaginary, but it will reveal truth about the contrast
between abortion clinics and crisis pregnancy centers, and the impact each one has on the pregnant mother. ~ CF​

Mommy and Me

As I nestled in her warm, safe womb I heard my Mommy's voice.
She sounded troubled as she said, "I have to make a choice."
She paced the floor and cried out, "I can't have a baby -- NO!"

Don't worry, Mommy, it's not time yet -- I have 6 more months to grow.

The more she cried, the worse I felt. She didn't know I heard.
All alone she wept, but I couldn't help -- I couldn't speak a word.
I kicked my feet and tried to make her know it was okay.
Together, we could make it through and God would show the way.

And then I heard her screaming that today would be the day!

I couldn't see the tears she shed, but it wasn't hard to guess --
She was turning pages in a book, and barely whispered, "yes."
She must have found the number and was set to make a call --
Just then she saw the Bible on the bookshelf in the hall!

"Okay, God, try to stop me -- I'll just dial anyway!
I'm sure it's not a baby yet, and they'll know just what to say."
Pregnancy/Abortion Rights was the heading at the top.
She traced her finger down the page, then brought it to a stop.

My Mommy didn't know that someone prayed for her that hour --
Someone who never knew her, but who trusted in God's power!
In answer to those earnest prayers, a "wrong number" she would call --
Until she went to that loving place, she thought she had no friends at all.

Ever since my Mommy found her way, and learned God's plan for me,
She can hardly wait to see my face! And Mommy thanks the Lord for me!

© 2013 Connie M. Faust
Website Designed by Rhonda S. Galizia  © 2010 - 2022  GOD BLESS YOU!

If you are feeling trapped by an unwanted pregnancy, you need a wise and knowledgeable friend who can help you find a solution.
To find that caring friend, there is a place you should visit before making a decision about your condition.
It may be called a Pregnancy Care Center or a Crisis Pregnancy Center, or some other name. The person you meet there will care about you and the dilemma you are facing. She will listen to your concerns, explain various options for you and help you take steps to a solution that will bring you peace. She will treat you with respect,
honesty and love, and will help you see how valued you are, how to approach the pregnancy calmly and realistically, and
how your hopelessness can be transformed into hope.  


I was so alone but
I felt your love
when we were together
Remember when
you stood
by my side
in stormy weather?

You were my blessing
My only friend
when trouble assailed me
You shouldered my load
and encouraged me
when others
failed me

I owe you so much
for lifting me and
helping me to dream
You gave me the faith
to believe
things aren't always
as they seem

Beyond all the storms
one sweet morning
the sun would rise and
That bright day would come
when I could smile and say
"Life is fine"

And as I look back
I can see that I've finally
turned the bend
I'm on the right path
you cared
when I needed a friend

© 2013 Connie M. Faust​​


My favorite site for everything you ever want to know about unwanted pregnancy. Includes the story of the founder, Sydna Masse. ("Sydna's Abortion Testimony") Resources for the woman who suspects she is pregnant, answers to your questions about abortion, training for those who want to help, and even post-abortion healing helps....

Connie Faust, Pregnancy Care Center Volunteer


"I love the fact that Save the Storks demonstrates love to women in crisis not through words, but through a practical, valuable service."

Alexandra Machita, enthusiastic supporter of the Save The Storks Organization


“Would you like a free sonogram?” This inoffensive, no-strings-attached question puts women at ease, and most will accept the offer. The women then board the “Stork Bus” — a Sprinter that has been specifically built for Save the Storks and features ultrasound equipment, comfortable chairs with high-end massagers built in, a bathroom, and a peaceful and calming environment. Once inside the bus, women receive the ultrasound and at this point many lives are changed … and saved.

Marcie Little, Creative Director of Save The Storks.


Let's Celebrate Love!  Adopt a Child!
This day I call heaven and earth to witness 
against you today, that I have set before you 
life and death, the blessing and the curse. 
So choose life in order that you may live,
 you and your descendants, by loving 
the LORD your God, by obeying His voice,
 and by holding fast to Him; for this is your life 
and the length of your days..    
 Deuteronomy 30:18-20


I remember when I was just a child, when Christmas came and lingered awhile; when even after the "big day" passed, Christmas-remembered would make you smile. Each time you walked into the parlor, it seemed that Christmas came anew. The tree was draped with silver tinsel, sparkling gaily just for you. Each lovely treasured ornament had been unwrapped with care, each one placed in the perfect spot so the tree would not look bare.

The blue glass reindeer hung in place, the paper stars were arranged with love. Each shining ball held memories, with the Christmas angel smiling above. Your mother was the master trimmer, insisting the tree must be trimmed "just so." The strands of tinsel must not be thrown, but placed on the branches, high and low, and nestled beneath the finished tree was a snow scene with magical cotton snow. A mirrored pond glistened like sparkling ice, with ice-skaters gliding to and fro.

And there on a cottony hill nearby, children pulling their sleds climbed high, while others, when they reached the top, piled on their sleds and sped merrily by. The figures who frolicked in that snowy town had been chosen from a Woolworth's shelf. No batteries or wires made them perform; just the stories you dreamed up for yourself. When each little figure was in its place, you watched while sitting on the floor as your mother turned to her favorite task, to honor the Savior she adored.

The wooden stable was the focal point where the Christmas story would live again. Dear Mary and Joseph were tucked inside, with animals, shepherds and three wise men. Then she held the sweet baby in her hand, remembering all that the Good Book said, and whispering a prayer of thanks to God, she gently laid Jesus in His manger bed. The tree stood tall for two weeks or three; there was no rush to take it apart. Each day, Christmas dreams were re-played for you; sweet memories lingering in your heart.

This is what the LORD says,
"Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, 
and walk in it."
(Jeremiah 6:16A)

© 2013 Connie M. Faust​​​

Christmas love was born in Bethlehem but it lives on today. 

Passing on Christmas Love

That new baby boy who lay in a manger

someday would reveal His Father above,

as He healed and forgave each one

who accepted His matchless love.

Since I met the Savior long years ago,

He leads me along as I walk in His way,

and gives me His Spirit to fill me

with His love for each new day.

Our lives are not meant to be lonely, but

to be more aware of the folks down the street.

Could I give a meal, a dollar,

a hug, to someone I meet?

A friendly word can change their perspective

and remind them that somebody out there cares.

A smile, when passing a stranger,

lives on as that smile is shared.

Father, let me touch others for Christmas.

What a birthday gift for Jesus that would be!

I want to share His light and His love

till they see Jesus through me.

I want to remind them of my Jesus

when they're weary and worried and feeling sad,

ask Him to bless them and make this

the best Christmas they've ever had.

© 2014  Connie M. Faust​​​

Run, Sheep, Run! 
by Connie Faust 

Do they look back and remember.....the light, the voice, their hurried quest in the darkness?

When darkness lies over Bethlehem's hills ~
When flocks take their rest through the night ~
When shepherds speak softly of kindling or lambs ~
Do their thoughts wander back to The Light?

Do they hearken again to the angelic call
That wakened them once, long ago,
When God's bright glory illumined the sky
And angels rejoiced in its glow?

If we could have been there to witness the scene
That suddenly burst on them there,
Would we tremble as they did, in paralyzed fear,
Till words of peace rang through the air?

Surely the flocks, bleating out the good news,
Kept the pace as they sped thru the fields,
For out of the multitudes God could have chosen,
To shepherds His Gift was revealed.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

​© 2014 Connie M. Faust

"So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in a manger....... they spread the word..... all who heard it were amazed..... The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told." (Luke 2:16-20 NIV)


Transformed--from a stable into a home fit for the King!

Inside the dreary stable,
golden sheaves of hay were spread,
The only glint of treasure
for a royal baby's bed,
Soon to fill the crude manger
where the animals were fed --
Hay-filled crib for King Jesus,
to cradle his downy head.

Outside, the lanes were crowded,
not a vacant room to rent.
Innkeepers closed sturdy doors
with no hint of sentiment,
Till compassion moved one man --
to his stable they were sent.
Relieved to find a haven,
the tired young couple went.

Stumbling into the stable,
the pair was weary and worn,
Thankful, yet apprehensive;
feeling alone and forlorn.
They yearned for refreshing sleep
to fit them for the next morn,
Unaware, in this long night,
their baby boy would be born.

The dismal barn awaited
to see what the night would bring
As animals assembled,
and bright angels took to wing.
For years to come, God's people
on this day would praise and sing,
For His birth transformed a stable
to a home fit for The King.

The journey across the miles,
begun as a trek for two,
Culminated in blessing --
the Infant, tiny and new,
And glory-light descended
ere the damp of morning's dew,
For He would bring salvation
so man could be born anew.

When you hear the angels' song
bringing God's good news today,
Open the door of your heart --
let the Savior in to stay.
As He made a dingy stable
His welcoming home that day,
He'll rejoice to live within you
when you welcome Him today.

© 2015 Connie M. Faust

"When someone becomes a Christian he 
(or she) becomes a brand new person inside, 
He is not the same any more.  
A new life has begun!" 
(Living Bible -- 1 Corinthians 5:17)

The B        rthday Gift

Make this Christmas special,
It's the Birthday of the King.
Newborn babe from heaven,
Salvation He came to bring.

Seems I should be giving
some wonderful gifts to Him.
It doesn't seem fair,
It doesn't seem right,
but I know He came
that long-ago night
to take away all my sin.

"Come unto Me," He said
to all who want to receive.
"I have a gift for you
from my heart, if you believe."

He came to save us all
from sin and death and strife.
He took all the pain,
He took all the loss
to pay for our sin
on a rugged cross
and give us Eternal Life.

© 2015 Connie M. Faust

Do you like to read your own work? Some pieces seem to be specially given by God, and they affect me greatly. 
This is one I like to re-read at Christmas-time as I imagine the scene in the stable in Bethlehem. 
At the very end is the verse I didn't include as part of the poem---it made it too long, but I want to include it here so readers can seriously consider the claims of Jesus Christ, and respond to His gracious invitation to new life in Him.

B e t h l e h e m S o n g

Bright stars looked down on Bethlehem town;
on a manger filled with hay
Where the cattle fed; donkey bowed its head
at the closing of the day.

But the warm, steamy silence was broken that night
by the cries of a new-born boy;
And the oxen and donkey beheld a new sight
that would herald the birth of joy!

For want of a room, strangers entered the gloom,
in the shadowy stable to rest.
The Babe would not wait, tho' the hour was late;
soon they welcomed a tiny new Guest.

The stars in the sky shown brighter that night,
as though calling the world from sleep;
But the world heard them not, 
save a few frightened men,
who were sitting up late with their sheep.

The donkey's mane shook as he had his first look
at the Baby laid down in his table.
Try as he might, he could not that night
recall such strange things in his stable!

No, the world never saw such an evening before,
though God's people had read in His book;
And the donkey himself drifted softly to sleep,
dozing off after wondering look.

The ox slowly chewed, enjoying his food, 
as he took in the marvelous scene.
The young man he saw kneeling down on the straw,
moving gently, as though in a dream.

And the mother -- the mother was beaming with joy!
Oh, her face was aglow with delight!
The weary old ox felt suddenly young 
as he watched in the stable that night.

The world slept on, awaiting the dawn,
nor hearing the cry in the night.
In darkness; in gloom; moving on toward the tomb --
Drifters, shielding their eyes from the Light.

But the song of the stars in the Bethlehem sky
will be heard by faith's listening ear;
And the sound of redemption rings on through the earth,
offered freely to all who will hear!
© 2015 Connie M. Faust

"I am come that they might have life,
and have it to the full!" (John 10:10)

Friend, you can hear with listening ear,
and heart that responds to His voice.
Years have gone by since baby's first cry,
Still, in Jesus your soul can rejoice.
And the sound of that evening --
the joyful sound --
tells of faith that will save you by grace;
The Saviour will give you the peace that you seek
as you walk in the light of His face!

"Yet to all who received Him, 
to those who believed in His name, 
he gave the right to become children of God -- 
children born not of natural descent, 
nor of human decision or a husband's will, 
but born of God." (John 1:12 NIV)

Book of Romans ABCs 
A-- Acknowledge your need of a Savior - Romans 3:23
B-- Believe Jesus paid the price for your sin on the cross -
Romans 5:6, 7, & 8 
C-- Confess Him as your own by accepting His gift 
of eternal life - Romans 6:23 - Romans 10: 9 to 13

 This good news is God's gift to you. I will be praying that you will be so drawn to Him this Christmas that you will finally invite Him to be your own Savior and Lord. You will cherish His gift for the rest of your earthly life, as you find that He will become the best Friend anyone could ever have.
If you have any questions, I'm here for you.  (Please see E-Mail Me button at top of page)


Make Christ Your Own Today
and you will experience the New Year
like never before!



What happens when a pregnant young woman decides to ignore the pressures to have an abortion,
and carries the baby to term? Can an “unwanted” pregnancy have a happy ending? 

Alexandra is the result of such a pregnancy. Read her story in her own words, as she shares her deep feelings and reveals the choices made by her own mother that determined her future.

The Bastard
With Connie Marie Faust

​Good Friday

Portrait of a Savior

Hands once raised in supplication

Pierced with nails of cruelty

Knees that knelt before the Father

Rendered helpless on a tree

Brow once knit in concentration

Wanting naught but Father's will

Bleeding from a thorny crown

Bowed to love's directive still

Feet that walked on dusty pathways

Leading Him to destiny

Now wounded, torn and crippled

Stained with blood at Calvary

This, a picture of my Savior

Forsaken and alone was He

Beaten, suffering, crushed and dying,

Jesus hung upon that tree

Burden of all mankind's sin

Held Him there in agony

Magnificent, His tender heart

Stilled by love for you and me

  ©2016 Connie Faust

But he was pierced for our transgressions,
  he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
  and by his wounds we are healed. 

Isaiah 53:5, NIV


In early March, it is still winter in Pennsylvania. Even the crocuses, daffodils and tulips are fast asleep when the Lenten Rose delights me by bursting into bloom, waiting with baited breath to sing its hallelujahs for the risen Christ.


The Lenten Rose burst into bloom

Before the Spring arose.

Its green buds bravely ventured forth,

Surrounded by the snow.

Impelled to spread the joyous news

In time for Easter’s dawn,

It struggled through the frozen earth

To praise the risen Son.

© 2013 Connie M. Faust

The women went to the tomb, intending to anoint the body of Jesus with spices. I took the liberty of imagining that they left the spices there. They found the stone moved and His body gone. Angels told them He had risen from the dead, and they hurried to tell the disciples, who didn't believe them. Mary Magdalene actually had an encounter with the living Christ, but they were too traumatized to accept what she told them. Do you believe? 
In this poem, Mary Magdalene speaks for the women first. Then Peter takes up the narrative.
Connie M Faust​

We stumbled down the dusty road, seeing through 
red-rimmed eyes;
remembering other mornings like this, when our Jesus 
walked alongside.
Our hearts were heavy-laden, our eyes were prone to weep.
We would rather have gone anywhere else than to the tryst we 
had to keep.
But we were Jewish women, daughters of Father Abraham's line,
and we must fulfill the traditions 
and see Jesus one last time.
The carefully-chosen spices, our final gift of love to share,
we carried sadly toward the tomb to place 'round His body there.
We wouldn't shirk our duty now; no, we'd honor our Friend 
this day;
so, with silent tears and trembling hands, we steadfastly 
kept on our way.

We thought the women imagined it; that grief had clouded their 
weary minds.
Instead of annointing His lifeless body, they'd dropped the spices 
and left them behind.
Yet, they had stood beneath the cross until He surrendered 
to death;
courageously loving their suffering Lord until He drew His 
last breath.
Except for John, we men had fallen back, afraid to face the 
angry mob; and I, who'd spoken such lofty vows, denied I knew 
the Son of God!

Now, swallowing fear, both John and I ran briskly to that 
joyless place;
then John stood, lost in memories, while I stooped and entered the dismal space.
Just as they said, the tomb was empty; no morbid body lay in death's cold hand.
I saw the strips of linen, and the face cloth; my eyes beheld what I could not understand.

(We didn't know, when the third day dawned, and the brilliant sun rose in the sky, that our sins had been paid for by the blood of Jesus as He hung on the cross to die.)

Poor Mary. She insisted she'd seen Him that morn, that He spoke with her, then went on His way.
We let her console herself with her daydreams; they were all she had left that tragic day.
For the rest of us, bowed down with grieving, it seemed now that evil had won;
Not even a tomb for remembance, for His dear, battered body was gone.

As we clustered together that evening, confused and just needing our Friend,
He suddenly stood there among us --
           our Brother, 
                    our Teacher,
                             our Master, 
                                       our Messiah --

                            JESUS WAS LIVING AGAIN!

We reacted with terror; stood frozen with fright -- 
so sure that He must be a ghost.
Then He spoke, in the voice that we loved and remembered, 
dissolving our fears and drawing us close:

  "PEACE be with you!"

​Hosanna, King Jesus! You're living today!
You have conquered the darkness; even death holds no sway!
You hold every answer our hearts need today.
You're reigning in glory to show us the way.
You suffered and bled for our sins to pay.
We worship You, Jesus! You're living today!

© 2008 Connie M. Faust

I AM the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live, even though he dies.........John 11:25

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