Beloved, we are instructed to publish/proclaim/declare/make known/preach 
the good news of the kingdom of GOD, and what Christ has done for us!

The purpose is two-fold.  One, to praise Him for the great things He hath done, and Two, to share with others His amazing love and power, so we might strengthen their faith - or even cause the unsaved to believe!

This page is dedicated to just that.  If you have a testimony of your own you wish to "publish",  please type it in the text box and hit submit button below.   It will be reviewed, and if found to be appropriate for this ministry, published on this page, to the glory of the LORD!

Geneva Study Bible

The Lord gave the word: great was the company of (h) those that published it.

(h) The fashion then was that women sang songs after the victory, as did Miriam, Deborah, Judith and others.
The Lord gave the word: great was the company
 of those that published it.                Psalm 68:11

 And it came to pass, that, as they went in the way, a certain man said to him, Lord, I will follow you wherever you go.  And Jesus said to him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head. And he said to another, Follow me. But he said, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father.  Jesus said to him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go you and preach the kingdom of God.  And another also said, Lord, I will follow you; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home at my house.  And Jesus said to him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.  
                                               St. Luke 9: 50-60
"Behold now, Thy servant hath found grace in Thy sight, 
and Thou hast magnified Thy mercy, which Thou hast showed unto me .."  Genesis 19:19

© 2010 Music & Lyrics: Rhonda S. Galizia

 (CEG)                             (FAC)
g      c     e       g      g     a
Thou hast been great, my LORD!

a     d      f       a       c     b
Thou hast been great, my LORD!

 d      e      f       g      a      g
Thou hast been great, my LORD!

 g      a      b      c      d      c
Thou hast been great, my LORD!

                        (GBD)      (ACE)
 c      b      a      g      b      c
Thou hast been great, my LORD!

                        (GBD)       (CEG
 c       b      a      g      b      c
Thou hast been great, my LORD!

     d   e   f  g - c
There is no limit
   a   b    c    b    a   c  a
To my life with You in it

                       (GBD)      (ACE)
 c      b      a      g       b     c
Thou hast been great, my LORD!

                        (GBD)      (CEG)
 c      b      a      g       b     c
Thou hast been great, my LORD!

 (FAC) (CEG)
 c     c
Ah- men!

This song is lovingly dedicated to all my Brothers & Sisters in Christ, 
who stood in unwavering faith with me, courageously believing for my Miracle. 

In April of 2009, I went to an ophthalmologist because of a stubborn stye.  To my shock, I was diagnosed with "rapid-growing" cataracts in both eyes!   It totally threw me for a few days..  Then, I got my bearings again, and went into warfare mode.   Satan is a liar and a thief, and I refused to accept it.

I immediately went online to Pastor Marsha Burns (Faith Tabernacle) and she stood boldly with me in
 the prayer of faith.  I then engaged the prayers of my husband and other family members, and precious friends - many of those from my own outstanding Prayer Team - and finally, I sought the faithful support of the Prayer Warriors of St. Matthew's Churches.  Many of the people I connected with also had ministry prayer lines and prayer circles of their own, whom they graciously contacted on my behalf.  And I had many of my counselees, and other loving people, contact me through my former website, HE Writes the Words on My Heart!  They told me "DON'T DO IT! (SURGERY)  WE BELIEVE THE LORD IS GOING TO HEAL YOU, RHONDA!"

I continued to make the trips to the doctor.. but everything in me would drag against it.  My spirit was uneasy and not at peace.  So even after the computer-generated photographs of my eyes.. when the day came to schedule surgery, I said, I can't.  The timing is not right.

I know what it means to wait on the LORD for an answer.  It was the very first lesson I ever learned.  I waited 25 years for one answer!

Satan began his full-scale assault.  Throwing every possible hindrance, disturbance, distraction, and terror at me that he could!  I spent the next twelve months scraping my spiritual knees, as I made endless trips in prayer, back to the foot of the Cross, to claim what was already accomplished for me by Jesus' crucifixion.  I left behind huge and constant puddles of tears.  The evil spirit of doubt tried to invade my mind and thinking, as the evil spirit of fear tried to paralyze me with all the 'what ifs?' so they could throw me off course.  Those are some of his tactics, as many of you know fair well also.  But in the midst of it, the Holy Spirit would always remind me of 'Pastor Marsha and the Prayer of Faith'.

I suffered extreme headaches and aching eyes and sometimes even blurred vision .. making it seem like 
was living in a pretend world, believing that GOD was going to heal me..   But that, too, was the enemy, trying to rob me of my miracle healing.
It was a sore oppression, yet, it was required of me to go through it, to get to the other side.

Remember, it is spiritual warfare we are waging.  We can't see it, or where it is coming from, but we recognize it by the manifestation!

Satan steals, kills, and destroys!

Jesus heals, reveals, and restores!

I had asked the LORD for a genuine miracle - and I had to fight a huge battle to receive it!

To make a long story short, about one year later, on Saturday, April 24, 2010, Dr. Liu, O.D. thoroughly examined my eyes and pronounced that I am, indeed, Cataract - Free!  Not a trace...  and as a matter of fact, my vision has improved so much, I have to have weaker lens for my regular glasses!

The spirit of heaviness fled and was immediately replaced by the garments of praise!


To my LORD and Saviour Jesus The Christ, and to GOD the Father, be the glory forever and ever, Amen!

"HE Writes the Words on My Heart!" Ministries
A Writing/Counseling Ministry for CHRIST in Prose, Poetry & Song
Rhonda S. Galizia Founder & Scribe Unto The LORD
International Copyright 1992 - 2025   All Rights Reserved By Law.

​PS> I'm still cataract-free as of 3/4/25!  Sing unto the LORD a New song!
Majestic Praise with
Trumpets and Cymbals
Please note:  You must include your legitimate name (first only is required) and a legitimate email, 
at the bottom of your testimony, so we may contact you if necessary.  Except for using your first name, your information will be kept confidential. 
Fruit of the Earth maintains the sole authority to choose which testimonies will appear on this page, and to edit them for spelling, etc. as necessary.  
 Thank you, Administrator
Hello my name is Sarah and I am 23.  I was so lost and I was living a horrible life of drugs and alcohol and sex - but I didn't even know it WAS SIN!  I got very sick, and I was at the brink of death, when I met Jesus Christ, and He forgave me my sins and raised me up, restored my health and made me whole!  Now I live for Him instead of myself, and I am trying to bring all my friends to meet Him, too!  Please pray for them.
Like I tell my mom and dad, when they marvel at me now - NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS!

Thank you for this opportunity to say so again!  I missed you at HWTWOMH, but I love your new website, too, Rhonda, and you help me alot to understand the Bible much better, and how to live my life the way it says.

All my love, Sarah
 My name is James.  I'm a 47 yr old black male who was involved in gangs/theft rings/drugs and I did 4 years in the pen.  I was filled with hate and resentment and planned to get even when I got out.  Then I met a guy there who had a prison ministry, and no matter how disgusting I behaved to try to get rid of him, he came back - over and over again, for almost three years!

I don't know how he did it, except God had to be behind it, because one day, I just bust out crying.. and this guy put his hand on my shoulder and said Jesus has been waiting for you this whole time, James.

Now I know that His love is never ending and He is patient, because He wants to save all of us.  Over time He softened my heart, and I am so grateful.

I have a wife and son now and I am doing everything I can to reach the other gangers.  They laugh and call me James the Evangelist, but I know God is sending me, and sooner or later, He will break their tough cores, too.  Please stand in agreement with me that this will happen soon, Rhonda.  All the signs of the times point to Jesus coming for us soon.

God bless all the hard work you do for the Lord here. Your website is great.

James the Evangelist
Hi.  I am known as "Gomer" because the grace of 
my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ saved me from a life of prostitution and abuse from my pimp.

That was 14 years ago when a street prophet walked up to me and said, "The Lord wants you to know He loves you and He has heard your cries.  He is going to make a way out for you!"

I HAD been calling out to God, if You are REAL, then help me!

Today, I am MARRIED TO that street prophet and we have two darling girls.  And continue together in a street ministry.

Now you know WHY they call him "Hosea" - and they call me "Gomer"! 


Since then, 5 more of the prostitutes have traded in their ugly lives of oppression and abuse, too!

May God use this testimony - and your wonderful web site to bring many more converts to Christ.

Sincerely yours, "Gomer" 
Wow I was so excited when I found your website.
My name is Ricardo and I am only 17 but I hope and pray you take me seriously.

I was involved in drugs and totally out of control.

I was stealing money from my mom and anyone I could. I skipped school and was hangin with gangs

I would get so high I couldn't see.  I would get other people high like that too on purpose.  I even started carrying a weapon in my shoe.

It got so bad my mom was going to send me to one of those camps.  She cried all the time and missed lots of work at her jobs because of me.

I got in big trouble when I drank one night and the cops found us in the alley.  They handcuffed me, and a bunch of other drunk people.

I got so scared I just cried out loud to heaven to see if God really existed.

I heard my mom talking to Jesus sometimes, and I thought she was just crazy but everyone sort of knows God must be real no matter what darwin thinks.

My "dad" never married my mom.  He left her when he found out she was pregnant and she wouldn't kill me with an abortion.

I swear this is true.  When I was at the PD a "light" came into the interrogation room and started talking to me!  I freaked out - I thought it was bad drugs.

Nope it was the angel of the Lord and He said if you will believe me I will save you.

I believed Him and He got me turned around and off drugs.  I had to go to a special home first for over a year and get a lot of counseling and catch up in school.

Now I know I was so angry because my "dad" hated me and I believed I was worthless because he wanted to kill me.

Now I know I have a FATHER no matter what and His Son Jesus saved me from a bad life.


My mom will probably come here to read this because she checks everything I do on the computer and I hope she don't cry.  But she says they are tears of joy now.

Only God can do something like that.

I wish you will pray for me to graduate next year and get a good job to take care of my mom since she took good care of me first.



genuine faith believes in the promises of GOD, to heal and 
 to be healed.  

restoring my vision is the latest result of His promise at the Cross: 

  "Surely He has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows..
But He was wounded for our transgressions,
 He was bruised for 
our iniquities:
 the chastisement of our peace 
was on Him; 
and by His stripes we are healed."

 Isaiah 53:4-5
Hello Rhonda.  This is what you might call a "double" testimony.  Thank you for the opportunity to express our gratitude for Jesus Christ and to testify about His life-changing love!

I was born to two alcoholic parents in 1963.  Among other severe physical problems, I was born without arms.

This isn't for a pity party, Sister, it's just facts.

Anyhow, I don't remember much about my childhood except being passed from one relative to another.  

At age 6, an uncle repeatedly sodomized me and told me if I shot my mouth off, he'd cut off my legs, too.

Finally, some neighbor woman who somehow understood something was wrong, got the youth services involved.

I ended up in a home where the lady had another little boy just like me - except he was missing his legs!

We were home-schooled by this woman, and every Sunday she drove us to church with her.  Over a period of 10 years, because of her love I learned to stop being afraid, and I stopped hating my life and everyone in it.

When we graduated, the church held a party for us, and our "mother" got up and talked about how God had blessed her with these two special boys.  Then she said, The reason I'm here today is because Jesus saved me from a loneliness so great, that I had contemplated suicide.

We were shocked.  We never imagined this warm and friendly, kind and loving older woman could have wanted to die!

Turns out, she went through severe abuse herself, and was so paralyzed by her fear, she became a recluse, and finally, was so lonely and sad, she just wanted to die.

She explained how when she got out a stool and a rope to hang herself, she heard a voice speak to her, that asked her to please not do it.. "there are two lonely boys who need you."

The whole church was in tears hearing this for the first time, even the preacher.

She said the voice startled her, but did not scare her, and while she was sobbing, she asked, Who is it?  Who are you?  And He answered, I am Jesus. 
I came to save the lost.

My mother said she fell down to the floor on her knees and sobbed her heart out until she collapsed.

When she came to, she said she was "estranged' and had to just sit there and be still until she recalled what happened.

A knock came on her door.  She got up to answer it, and when she opened it, there stood the man from the youth services whom she had been to see several months earlier, requesting a child to care for.  He had a little boy with him.

That was my "brother".   Eight weeks later, I was sent to her also!

The Sunday after our graduation party, we both accepted Christ as our Savior.  And even as I speak, my brother is balanced on my knees, typing this testimony for you..because I have legs and he has arms.. and together, He has made us whole.

Sam & Erik

© 2010 - 2025 Rhonda S Galizia  Founder Fruit of The Earth Biblical Wisdom & Counseling
    GOD Bless You!
Dear Rhonda,
I was thrilled to find your site, especially this page, because I love to make my Testimony everywhere I go, and sometimes people come to Jesus because of it.

You see, I am a "street people"  I have been homeless since I was 12 and my mom and dad got a divorce and my brother and I had to go to a shelter with her to live. But after almost 2 years, my brother and I got "separated" from my mother somehow, and then, government people came to get my brother because I was 14 and he was only 5.  It tore my heart up and I got really mad, and turned mean and I hated everyone.  I couldn't find my mother anywhere, and people just kept giving me the runaround when I tried to find her.  I just hung out at different shelters for the next 2 years. I dropped out of school when I turned 16 and got a "job" with a sex-crazed porno photographer.  I started taking speed and then cocaine just so I could live with myself, but the money was good and I kept hiding it away because I planned on getting my brother back, and having enough money to take care of us both.  When I turned 18, and was old enough to offer to be his custodian, I was brutally raped and robbed and left for dead.  I spent the next 3 months in the hospital.   

There was a Chaplain who came there almost every day and he would always come to my room and ask to pray with me.  But I would scream that I hated him and shout, if God is real, He must be one cruel and perverse God!  He would just put his head down, frown a little, and say, ' I understand, Miss.. God bless you.' and then leave as quietly as he had come in.  But I thought about God alot because of him, and wondered why God was so mean.  Why was I so alone?  Where was my baby brother by now?  Where was my mother.. and father?

One day, there was all this commotion in the hospital hallway, and I got out of my chair to see what was going on.  There were several EMT's and nurses and they were wheeling a gurney down the hall towards me and someone was shouting commands.  When they got to my door, I gasped - the patient was my mother -  and she was a bloody mess!
To make a long story short, the Chaplain came and

 found me crying. After asking a few questions he took my hand and said, 'Lord, help this child.'  And he left.  The next day, there was a tall shadow outside my door..  I felt all strange and tingly.. like it was familiar somehow.  I heard voices talking in low sounds, so I got out of my chair again.. The doctor was there when I came to,, and so was my father!
The chaplain had found him after I told him my mother was in the hospital.  She was an alcoholic who had been rolled. He took me home with him, 
and then, we went to find my brother.  It was a month before we were all together again.. the Chaplain still visits my mother in Rehab, and Lord willing, our family will be whole again soon.  Linda

And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brothers is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.  And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony
Revelation 12:10-11

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Blessings from Rev. Rhonda!

​Behold!  The Power of The Living GOD!!!