No matter
What else you do,
You must  have

How else
 can you
 have a 
with Him?

When Jesus 
the earth
in flesh!

He alone
the price
for our
to Heaven.

He alone
The Only 
Our Father 
in Heaven.

Make Time 

Rhonda S. Galizia
International Copyright
All Rights Reserved
 By Law.

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©2011 Soft Arrival
Rhonda S. Galizia

Learning to Understand: Him - and You
Hello Beloved.  

I'd like to discuss Communicating with Your Creator.

If you are injured and need to speak to a doctor, you do not call a baker!  And likewise, if you need to talk to an auto insurance agent to keep your car on the road, you do not call the butcher.

I'm sure you see where I'm going with this..  : )

When you need to speak to Your Creator, you go directly TO Him.. and you do it through Jesus!

How, you ask? 

Well.. because our Salvation has made us Father GOD's child - and Jesus' friend, mother, brothers, and sisters - everything Jesus is and has, becomes ours!  We are His by association!

Because of our faith in the shedding of Jesus' Blood, we have been given access to the Throne of His mercy and grace!   The Father Himself loves us, because we love His Son, and because we believed on His name  - which means, we also believe in Father GOD, Who sent Him to us!

When we come to His throne, we are not coming by our own authority.  God forbid!  Nay, we are coming by the authority of Christ in us.  He is The Sovereign LORD, highly exalted by Father GOD!

When we kneel before Him, bowed in humility, we are coming into agreement with Christ, of Whom it is written in 1 John 5:14-15, "And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have obtained the requests made of Him."

Praise the LORD!  What a loving GOD we serve! 
Why would we ever willfully want to ask for anything outside His will.. when His will for us is perfect!

How do we know the will of GOD you may ask?

We can know the WILL of GOD by reading the WORD of GOD, Beloved.  It's His book - His Love Story to us.  And He tells us everything we need to know to develop a warm and loving relationship with Him, inside its pages.

And to tell the truth, I believe it is very unlikely, that after being saved (re-born in Spirit), that anyone  
could actually go before our Holy Saviour who gave up His life for us so that we could have abundant (eternal) life with Him - and then ask Him for something He would disapprove of!

Father GOD, we praise You and thank You for allowing us, Your children, direct access to You through our faith in Jesus.  
Jesus, we praise and thank You for dying to make straight our way, and Holy Spirit, we praise and thank You for sealing our relationship with the Father and Son, and revealing to us what the Father and Son say and do, concerning us!  

To GOD be the glory forever and ever, Amen!

O' Sovereign LORD.. 
Today, let there be Triumphal Entries into 
the hearts of those who are lost and perishing under the oppression of the enemy; those who desperately need a True King to rule their lives on earth, yet, One Who will lead them safely into Eternal Life with Him!  This we pray in The Christ's name, Who suffered and died for it to become possible, Amen.
Harry Anderson
Below is a video of my one of my favorite hymns.. In The Presence of Jehovah, played & sung by the Anointed Christian artist, Terry MacAlmon. 

Like many others, each time I listen to it, I just sob and sob.. and that, my Beloved, for me, is evidence of the presence of the LORD.  Another sign of His presence can be fear and trembling, and yet another sign, is the confirmation of the Holy Ghost moving in you and upon you.. what some call "chills"  or "holy shivers".  It is the Holy Spirit bringing your spirit under conviction!  

I would like to try to explain the Anointing of The LORD to you in plain terms, so you can understand it.  Most simply put, the Anointing of The LORD, is His presence in any area or areas of your life; areas which He uses through you, to help/serve others - while bringing glory to Himself and His Kingdom.  In His Presence.. is where you can find mercy & grace, forgiveness, healing, deliverance, comfort, consolation, strength and truth and power.  For instance, one of my own Anointings is in my smile.  But it's not me, per se - it's the joy of the LORD in me that's behind it, and what brings gladness of heart to others!  Another is in my hugs; it's the LORD in me, firmly offering comfort, encouragement.. and love, and many are strengthened - even healed - by it!  By His grace, His Anointing is also on my counseling, poetry, songwriting, piano-playing, praise, etc.  How else could I serve?  i.e. Any gift we are given - and use for the good of others - contains the Anointing/Power & Presence of the LORD, which IS Holy Spirit!

The longer you walk in obedience to Jehovah's statutes and commandments, the more powerfully He allows His power - via His Holy Spirit- to flow through you, until it can literally become a way of life!   You will know, because people will tell you, "Oh, thank you!  Your ------ is so anointed!"   People grow and learn and break free from bondages through the Anointing of the LORD, because His love transforms us into His Image!.  

It's truly up to you, Beloved.  Like everything else in the Kingdom of GOD - from Salvation (becoming Re-born into His Spirit) to Witnessing (telling others what Christ has done for you) to Evangelizing (sharing the Gospel / St. John 3:16), to being given a Ministry of your own, the Anointing is available.  It's Your Choice.  

It is no accident you are here at this very moment, reading this page.. Christ has sought you out.. the Holy Spirit has been wooing you.  Now, the Father is inviting you to become His child through faith in His Son's redemptive work at Calvary.

Please open your heart to His urging.   Go back to watch and listen to the video again.. the Anointing will become self-evident to you.. even if you never understood it before!  Why, Beloved, you might even be set free...  Now go.. bask in His presence.. in the Anointing of Almighty GOD!
                Always written in His Love, Rev. Rhonda
Beloved, think it not strange, concerning the fiery trial which is sent to try you - as though some strange thing has happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, so that when His glory is revealed, you may also partake of his exceeding joy!             ~   1Peter 4:12-13        
Without faith it is impossible to please GOD, for he who comes to GOD, must believe that He is GOD, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.                                      Hebrews 11:6
For My house shall be called a house of prayer..   Isaiah 56:7
Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are Mine.  When you pass through the waters I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.  For I am the LORD your GOD, the Holy One of Israel.        ~   Deuteronomy 43:1-3
Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel unto all creation. He who believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he who does not believe is condemned already.                    ~ Jesus, St. Mark 16:15-16
Come Beloved.. into the sanctuary of The LORD!
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.     Jesus, St. John 4:23   
And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.  
 Isaiah 65:24                 
Be strong and of good courage; do not fear or be in dread of them; for it is the LORD your GOD who goes with you; He will not fail you or forsake you.
                           ~     Deuteronomy 

Here I am, LORD..
Inside this holy place..
I'm all alone now, LORD
As I eagerly seek Your face.

Please talk with me, Jesus
And listen to my heart
Help me hold it all together, LORD
Before..  I just fall..  apart.

Fill me with Your wisdom
Saturate me with Your peace
Hold me steadfast in Your presence
Until I find relief..

Fear is trying to overtake me
I can't even sleep at night
And so I'm asking You, my Saviour
To fill me with Your light..

You say Your yoke is easy
And that, Your burden is light
So be my Rock of Ages - and
Deliver me from this plight!

Halleujah, I can feel You now
Taking me by my hand
To walk this path beside me
In ways I don't understand..

Thank You from my heart, LORD
That You never meant for me 
To do it alone without You -
Because, only with You.. am I free.
 © 2012 Rev. Rhonda S. Galizia
Stay your eyes upon Jesus!  He will sustain you.
Title: Abundant Life
© 2010 Rhonda S. Galizia
Website Designed by Rhonda S. Galizia © 2010 - 2023
He sent forth His word and he healed them, and delivered them out of all their destructions.                                                              ~ Psalm: 120:7
Therefore, let those who suffer according to God's will do right and entrust their souls to a faithful Creator.                                     ~ 1 Peter 4:19
Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for God opposes the proud, but gives peace to the humble.                 ~ 1 Peter 5:5
"I am come that they might have life, 
and that they might have it more abundantly."                                                                                      ~ Jesus, St. John 10:10
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby, some have entertained angels unawares.        ~ Hebrews 13:2

Altar Call
Music & Lyrics: Rhonda S. Galizia

For - give   me   all   my   sins

For - give   me   all   my   sins   .

For - give   me   all   my   sins,   O'   LORD!

For - give   me..  all..   my   sins.

O - pen   my   heart

And   en - ter   in

Cleanse   all   my   stains

From   deep   with - in

For - give   me,   for - give   me

Come   and   heal   me!

For - give   me   all   my   sin,

For - give   me..   come   and   heal   me!

And   for - give   me,   all,    my   sins.

Ah - ah - ah - men!

©2007  Rhonda S. Galizia   Scribe Unto the LORD
“HE Writes the Words on My Heart!”  
 A Writing/Counseling Ministry for CHRIST
 in Prose, Poetry & Song
Rhonda S. Galizia 1992 Founder
St. Matthew 13:52

Absolute Truth

Truth is exclusive.
Truth can only be one way, 
yea, or nay.

Of all the religions in the world,
 Jesus Christ is the only one who claimed to be GOD.. 
and then, willingly died - and rose again - to prove it.

Christianity is not a religion.  
It is a relationship, with Christ.

Christianity is a walk, a journey -
with a definite beginning,

and a definite end...
Eternal life.

Jesus, Himself, has told us,
Once you are Mine, 
can remove you 
from Me.
Your name
is carved
in the palm
of My hand.

Do you know the Truth... absolutely?

© 2013 Reach For The Cross! Lessons 
Rev. Rhonda S. Galizia

"Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, 
I have called thee by name, thou art mine."  
 Isaiah 43:1

 "I will not forget thee:  
Behold, I have engraved your name 
onto the palm of my hand." 
Isaiah 49:16

Thousands of years ago, those words were recorded 
by the prophet Isaiah, in the Old Testament.

Just over two thousand years ago,
they were literally fulfilled
by Jesus Christ as He hung
upon that crude and vicious 

When the Roman soldiers pounded those "nails"
(which were more like railroad spikes!)
 into His hands and feet, the blood that flowed
is the same blood that was sacrificed for our sins.
To be washed clean...  there is no other way.
Nay, nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Repeatedly, the Scriptures tell us exactly this same thing.

 "As far as the east is from the west, 
so far hath He removed
 our transgressions from us." 
 Psalm 103:12 

 "This I recall to my mind. Therefore, I have hope.
It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed,
because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:23 

Almighty God does not hold grudges against us.
Nor does He look down on us because of our past. 
When He forgives sin, it is utterly forgiven.

 "I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy sins;
Return unto Me, for I have redeemed thee."
Isaiah 44:22

'I, even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgressions |
for mine Own sake, 
and I will not remember thy sins.
Isaiah 43:25

Always written in His love, Rhonda

© 2012 Rhonda S. Galizia, Scribe Unto The LORD
  International Copyright All Rights Reserved By Law.


FoTe Quote
    "Words that heal…  are always welcomed by the hearer.”
~ Rev. R S Galizia


Look through any window; what do you see?
A woman seeking love, most desperately.
She hides more secrets than you shall ever touch
With your tender words and loving hearts..
‘Though you reach her very much. 

And, I know you wish that you could be
The very unique and special key
To unlock the doors and set her free
From her past... and everything it has done to harm her. 

But the mysteries you would encounter
While searching her face,
You would first enjoy, soon destroy
Then put back into place;
For a damaged whole is better.. than an untouched half. 

She cannot see you; she has no eyes,
She cannot touch you; she is paralyzed.
She cannot hear you; her ears are gone,
She cannot speak; she has no tongue. strong enough, 
to make the journey and endure,
Save...The One, The Provider,
 of what she's searching for. 


“He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death,
 and brake their bands asunder.” Psalm 107:14

©1998 Rhonda S. Galizia  
International Copyright All Rights Reserved By Law.

Published, A Celebration of Poets, Showcase Edition; 
  Outstanding Poets of 1998, ILP; 
Recorded, Sound of Poetry;
Received, Editor's Choice Award 

Overcoming Abuse
The LORD makes everything beautiful in its own time...  including you!
Confession and Forgiveness
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness - 1John 1:9

It is NOT by accident
that you find yourself
at this moment
in time.

is calling you,
wooing you,
His Holy

If you are 
one of the lonely
one of the lost,
Jesus Christ 
wants to change that 
right now...                             

You can 

The Cross
and the 

Jesus Christ
bridged the gap between
and Hell 
Wherefore, as the Holy Ghost saithToday if ye will hear his voice,

Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness:

When your fathers tempted [tested] Me, proved Me, and saw My works forty years.

Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do always err in their heart; and they have not known My ways.

So I swore in My wrath
They shall not enter into My rest.
              - Hebrews 3:7-11
  The Angel of the LORD - The Holy Ghost - is wooing you this very moment!  Jesus Christ will soon gather up His saints to Himself in the clouds (Rapture)!  Will YOU be counted among them, Beloved?  It is my fervent prayer and my urgent cry, that YOU do not commit the ONLY Unforgivable Sin - denying the power of GOD's Spirit when He asks you to accept Christ YOUR personal Saviour!

​Overcoming Gluttony/Obesity

Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, and other Related Maladies
are the Number One Killers in Today's Culture Because 
The People Have Exchanged the Glory of Their God..

Has any nation ever traded its gods for new ones, even though they are not gods at all? 
Yet My people have  exchanged their
 glorious God for worthless idols!
Jeremiah 2:11​

"They have traded the sovereign rule 
of their One true God
For the demands of their own bellies! 

They have traded the Bread of Life
For the bread on the table!

They have traded the Spirit of Comfort
For the comfort of their Food!

This is SIN."
(The Word of The LORD to me.)

Don't you see?  This is an affront to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Beloved!
God's People have created an "unholy trinity" of their own, to satisfy their lust 
for their belly god ...  who requires  food.. more, more, more!

Their destiny is destruction, their god is their belly,
 and their glory is in their shame. Their minds are 
set on worldly things. ~  Philippians 3:19

​©2013 Rhonda S Galizia, Scribe Unto the LORD

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Antidote: remedy to counteract 
a poison or evil.

The formula for freedom from
these tormentors is found in
Philippians 4:6

"Be anxious for NOTHING
let your requests be 
made KNOWN to GOD."
[emphasis mine]

So let's break it down, Beloved
to an easy 5-step process.
Remember, Satan will ALWAYS try to stop you by distracting you through the phone, tv, radio, family/friends, your front door, etc.  

1. Pray - talk to GOD about it
2. Supplicate/Implore - pour out your heart; as you make all your fears and worries, your needs and concerns, known to Him.

3. Be Still - learn to quiet yourself from all your surroundings.  Go inside your own temple/ your spirit being
and shut down the doors and windows [eyes ears nose mouth hands]  Focus on GOD alone, and wait for Him to respond.

4. Listen..Hear - what Holy Spirit is saying, or revealing to you, through His Word and/or an inner Vision, He may reveal to you.  GOD is Spirit, you are re-born of your spirit; therefore, He speaks through His Spirit, into yours.  Spirit..knows spirit!

5. Thank Him, Praise Him, Worship Him
He is your GOD!  And He loves you and cares deeply for your needs and worries.
Wisdom: keeping a journal and writing down what you hear Him speak - or reveal by vision - into your spirit, has a phenomenal effect, as you watch His answers to you come to pass! ~ RR

Walking in the Light
This is the message which we have heard from Him
and declare to you: God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all.
[Therefore] if we claim to have fellowship with Him,yet walk in the darkness, we are liars and do not live by the truth.
But if we [do] walk in the light - even as He is the light - we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from every [confessed] sin.
[However] if we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth [Christ] does not live in us.
[But] if we do confess our sins [to Him], He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we claim we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His Word [Jesus] has no place in us.

 1 St. John 1:3-10
This is a video of my one of my favorite hymns.. In The Presence of Jehovah, played & sung by the Anointed Christian artist, Terry MacAlmon. 
Is any sick among you? Let him/her call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him/her, anointing him/her with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him/her up." 
St. James 5:14-15
And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion toward them, and He healed their sick. 
St. Matthew 14:14
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever. 
Hebrews 13:8