Fruit of The Earth
Biblical Wisdom & Counseling

Rhonda S Galizia, Scribe Unto The LORD
Bridging the gap between soul and spirit
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Hallelujah, He is Risen!  He is Risen, Indeed!

From Good Friday to Resurrection Day, Celebrated in Pictures and Accompanied by Beautiful Holy Music 
Happy Easter from Fruit of The Earth Biblical Wisdom & Counseling Ministry!

The Counseling Branch of  "HE Writes the Words on My Heart!"
A Writing-Ministry for Christ in Prose, Poetry & Song
Rhonda S Galizia  Founder & Scribe Unto The LORD
St. Matthew 13:52

Sinner, Please Come Home!
The Apostle Paul said, That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection.

Let's talk HOLY POWER, Beloved!

If Jesus had not physically exited the tomb, His crucifixion would have been futile.

The "power of His resurrection" IS the Holy Spirit.

Father GOD raise Him by the power of His Spirit!

The same power delivered to US, once and for all, The Divine Power: The Blessed Assurance of Life Evermore.


By the power of the Holy Spirit, The Christ overcame what He Himself called "The Last Enemy" - DEATH!

And by His Spirit, So shall we.