I can't help myself! 
 I am enjoying every sumptuous page..

The cover is like a fine ceramic kettle, and when you open the lid, you are treated to the buffet of poetry inside, which leaves a wonderful aroma as each page is stirred into the mix.
127 pages of "Good for the Soul" food! 
 I highly recommend this book for readers of age 20 and up!

Well done, King George!  I can only hope there is a tenth volume already in the making!
The LORD continually bless you.
Love & Hugs, Rhonda

My treasured and trusted friend.

My mentor. 
 A man of great integrity.

My fellow poet/author
who wields a prolific 
- and often, prophetic - pen.

A man with a pure and beautiful faith 
A powerful prayer warrior

One who leads with knowledge 
and wisdom.

I was given the incredible honor of writing for the back cover of George's last book, Beyond Time's Horizon.

"This collection of George J. Carroll's poetry promises to be 
the best yet.  Recently challenged by a series of setbacks after
a heart-valve replacement, at age 88, Mr. Carroll defies the 
average man of courage and character!

George is a man well-seasoned by World War II, rearing 6 
children on Long Island, and decades later, suffering the loss 
of his beloved wife, Florence.  His writing reflects the best and 
worst of life's personal battles - and his unrelenting faith 
in Christ that always carries him on to victory!

A respected member of the writing community, George
recently retired from the Authors Den, where he is among the most-revered of poets.  A gentle but powerful wordsmith, he boldly forges ahead to untwist perverse political issues, then just as handily, causes his pen to spill out a wonderfully romantic jewel!  George's
10th book is soon to be released!

Very few poets can weave such beautiful wreaths around my heartstrings, but such are the works of George J. Carroll.

If I had to sum-up my beloved friend & mentor in one 
sentence, it would be this:  George's wisdom and insight ring 
out like a clear bell on a foggy night, cleansing the air, and 
leaving behind.. the fresh scent of truth."

Rhonda S. Galizia
Fruit of The Earth/ "HE Writes the Words on My Heart!" Ministries
You also, like living stones, are being built into 
a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.  
- 1 Peter 2:5

The LORD has graced my life (and my family's) with the genuine friendship and fellowship of Allen and Leah, his now deceased wife of 23 years.

I traveled through that horrible journey with them as they valiantly battled pancreatic cancer, and the LORD brought forth lessons of gold, that can only be wrought in the furnace of suffering.

Allen's compelling book, Leah: Glimpse of An Angel, takes you through the final steps of his beloved's life, in some of the most beautiful and heart-wrenching poetry you will ever lay eyes on.   

It has been over 3 years now, and the LORD has graced his life with a new love - Miss Jan - who is a lovely woman of faith herself, and someone very special, who utterly respects the closeness of the marriage that Allen and Leah once shared.  Leah's memory is safe and intact in the loving heart and hands of Miss Jan.

From his tragic loss and wanting to die himself,  through Jan's love, Allen is now reviving and writing his soft Southern Gentleman Poetry that just wraps around your heart like a bouquet of gardenias, leaving its lasting message in a soft dewy fragrance. 

 Christ is Love.. and Christ's love through Allen affects everywhere he goes and everyone he talks to..  lives are changed, hearts are healed, and the world truly is a better place.

My precious friend, one who
I affectionately call him Bubba 
He calls me Sis 

We cry together and we pray together 

My peer and fellow poet/author.

An artist
A man of powerful faith who  
beautifully pens it onto the pages of life.  

A true longsufferer
A gentle healer

Click on the book
 to visit 
Allen's You Tube

Witness the final

Or visit him at

Richard is a lawyer, and has 38 years of daily experience as a former Official Court Reporter of the United States District Court and of the California Superior Court.

His novels are powerfuly composed because of his unique knowledge and understanding.  They can physically shake you while you are reading them, because he delves into truths that are so personal to the reader.  

Ever the gentleman, Richard warns they are graphic, yet by Richard's expert penning of truth as you've never experienced it before, he will also bring justice, which delivers the victim.. and the reader.

This beautiful man with the gentle soul also has a gift in speaking..
his recited poetry often leaves me speechless.. yet the effects are profound and remain.

Richard cultivates and nurtures exquisite roses, and calls himself a
"hopeless romantic".  His faith is quiet and strong.

When you combine truth and justice, roses and romance, faith and strength.. well, the result is incredible, and all found wrapped in twinkling eyes, a heart-warming smile, with a lovely mustache for a bow!

My beloved friend and fellow

A man of grace 

One who searches out the truth
and exposes wickedness

A leader and a servant

A purveyor of joy

A deliverer

 I created this page to honor those men who earnestly use their gifts of the written and/or spoken word for the good of mankind; those who believe in - and quietly bring glory to - Christ.

Click on the book
to visit 
Richard's Den 
or click below to watch his stirring 
tribute to 
Mother Teresa

Website Designed By Rhonda S. Galizia © 2010-2022
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Victor hails from Malta.  we met at Authors Den in 2006
, and I was immediately impressed by his purity and dignity, so rare.

His poetry is... just beautiful.

He possesses a magical ability to wield everyday words 
so that they increase one's
very delight in reading!.

Victor's logic makes one to pause and reflect..  to question,
as he perfectly blends the practical, the purposeful, the righteous 
and causes it all to be exciting and inspiring.

In February of 2017 Victor lost his beloved wife Lilian 
of many years.  I never read anyone's poetry which so
 profoundly reflected the immediate pain of his loss, 
the grief and sorrow of the road they have shared.. 
and the exacting power of his love for her 
that overshadows the future.

Recently, I discovered this one... written before she passed

Therefore, I think it appropriate to call Victor's poetry and imagery

I am at once, blessed and honored,
to have made his acquaintance.

My cherished friend
and fellow poet

A truly holy man of GOD

A Devoted Family Man


Starry Love by poet Victor Buhagiar

Time moves on forward fast,
Like rapids hurtling unheedingly headlong
Towards a sheer deep cascade,
And plummets down below in a mighty roar
To flow relentlessly towards the infinite sea
Drifting straight into eternal oblivion.
Yet time can ne'er erase all memories,
And special ones will always linger 
In the obscure corridors of my mind.
Hence I can never forget my dear,
The night that we first met.
Were not that night the stars conspiring
To throw a luminous light on our love?
Did not the twinkling stars shoot out their ways
In the clear expanse of nightly sky?

There under a lonely carob tree,
Where dry old leaves crackled
Under our woollen spreads,
You smiled benignantly at me
And suddenly I knew
How hungry was I for a love so true.

We were like two of those gems above,
Shooting their way across the skies.
And fate decreed that those two stars should meet
In an astral collision and fuse into a lasting blast.
Light sparkled above sublimely
An ethereal fireworks display,
That lasted for one long memorable moment,
But the light in our love will last 
Until the end of our days.

In Loving Memory of George, his personal page, King's Corner,
 will remain as part of this ministry. Be sure to visit whilst here.
You can leave a comment or remembrance there.
George John Carroll
February 19, 1924  -  January 20, 2021